'We have all had situations in life where we have felt hurt, frustrated, mistreated by someone’s words or actions. Whether verbal, emotional or physical the situation has left us with feelings of anger, frustration or hurt. We hold on to these things for days, months or years. Sometimes the offender apologizes and we move on letting the past situation drop. More often though even if we have accepted the apology we still hold on to little pieces of the past hurt. We never fully open back up, we hold our self back never trusting completely. Then there are the situations where an apology is never given, where amends are never made and we hold on to the emotions more fully as they were never released. There are also some situations where the hurt and/or anger is so deep that even with an apology and amends we don’t let it go we hold on fully to those feels and do not allow forgiveness.
Forgiveness is not about the other person. So often we get stuck in the thought that forgiveness is something that we give the other person. We feel that if we grant them forgiveness we are saying that what happened is ok, that we do not have hurt, anger or frustration about what occurred, that we remove them from blame and accept the situation as it is. The reality is that forgiveness is about releasing your feelings and emotions about the situation. It is not about providing absolution to the other person but about granting yourself permission to move on and above the situation.
Forgiveness is not about the other person. So often we get stuck in the thought that forgiveness is something that we give the other person. We feel that if we grant them forgiveness we are saying that what happened is ok, that we do not have hurt, anger or frustration about what occurred, that we remove them from blame and accept the situation as it is. The reality is that forgiveness is about releasing your feelings and emotions about the situation. It is not about providing absolution to the other person but about granting yourself permission to move on and above the situation.
We have no control over another's actions, words or behaviors. We do however have control over our reactions. Granting forgiveness and letting go of those reactions, taking the power back and not allowing the hurt, anger and frustration to weigh you down is the freedom you grant yourself. Holding on to those feelings, placing blame and waiting for someone to validate your feelings with an apology leaves you tethered to them. Your feelings do not hurt the other person, they hurt you. Holding on to them is like drinking poison and waiting for the other person to die. Release the negative emotions allow forgiveness of the situation and heal yourself. Cut the connection caused by this situation. Make a conscious decision to let go of the feelings and move forward. This does not mean that you should forget what happened. Everything that happens helps shape and direct our life paths. Find the lesson in the situation instead and move forward.
Moving beyond the situation is as essential as letting go of the negative feelings associated with it. Each situation is going to look different for every person. Sometimes moving on means seeing clearly that this person no longer has a purpose in your life and moving apart in different directions. Or it could be that this situation is providing you an opportunity to claim your power. If this is a person who will continue to be in your life perhaps this is a chance for you to speak up and let the other person know how you would like to be treated. Remember we teach people how to treat us. It is much easier to claim your power and speak your truth when we are not bogged down by the negative emotions, forgiveness grants us that freedom. Moving on can also be a lesson in trust. For some of us it is hard to let people in and be open with them again after a past situation. Remember that we are all human and none of us our perfect. Forgiveness releases us from the emotional hurt but it takes a great deal of inner strength to keep the walls down and not retreat behind them again. Move on by maintaining your open heart.
Don’t let Forgiveness be a road block in your life. Don’t let the negative emotions bog you down and keep you focused on the past. Grant yourself the freedom of forgiveness, learn the lesson of the situation and allow yourself to grow and flourish while moving on.
Moving beyond the situation is as essential as letting go of the negative feelings associated with it. Each situation is going to look different for every person. Sometimes moving on means seeing clearly that this person no longer has a purpose in your life and moving apart in different directions. Or it could be that this situation is providing you an opportunity to claim your power. If this is a person who will continue to be in your life perhaps this is a chance for you to speak up and let the other person know how you would like to be treated. Remember we teach people how to treat us. It is much easier to claim your power and speak your truth when we are not bogged down by the negative emotions, forgiveness grants us that freedom. Moving on can also be a lesson in trust. For some of us it is hard to let people in and be open with them again after a past situation. Remember that we are all human and none of us our perfect. Forgiveness releases us from the emotional hurt but it takes a great deal of inner strength to keep the walls down and not retreat behind them again. Move on by maintaining your open heart.
Don’t let Forgiveness be a road block in your life. Don’t let the negative emotions bog you down and keep you focused on the past. Grant yourself the freedom of forgiveness, learn the lesson of the situation and allow yourself to grow and flourish while moving on.